Today I am remembering...
Every single human on this planet has the capacity to understand and practice their virtue. I believe it is the key to our path forward because everyone must take on the Responsibility as if our salvation depends on it -- because it does.

I am thinking of this today, here because my Grampa was an inspiration and also made a formative impact on me in my younger years but this story has nothing to do with him per se. He partially raised me so everything in my early years was influenced by him... but this story is about me and how in 1971, when I was 10 years old, my brother (aged 20) returned from a few years in Vancouver and filled my head with stories that blew my little mind. He told me stories of a cool guy he spent time with, with a yacht - I didn't make the connection until I saw his reality show years later but it was Richard Branson.
Stories he told of passenger trips through space; plans for floating inflatable house islands complete with sand & anchors of their own unlocked my imagination. But it was the tales of a Rainbow Nation that embedded or awakened in me, the idea that someday/somehow, I am part of a prophecy that has to do with saving humanity. I grew up in a tiny country town in Ontario, Canada where I spent a few years over weekends, with a First Nations friend & her family. I remember being part of the conversations at times and being told that my interest, & understanding, was unusual. I also remember that the story they told was not the one I was learning in school at the time. I remember being told that their stories were being hidden and I recognized the injustice. I was so mesmerized by it all and the stories being told around those fire circles. This is where I first learned of the residential schools situation. That was 1969 and I was 8. But I also learned in those circles that I had a fire within me that would always burn if I remembered to let these stories fuel my passion - if I let it. It wasn't until I was in my 30's, with young children of my own, did I realize the depth this had on my formative years. How young I was when that all began to impact & imprinted on me, the path of the Unity that roots & drives my own relationship with both the inner & outer Unity.
Now, I'll be 59 in 11 days... here we are. Like I said, I am not sure why I'm writing.
But I am ready.
Barbara MackenzieSouthern Ontario, Canada