How is this possible? I shake my head in dismay.
This is not a my judgement on a personality glitch. He is not just behaving rough around the edges. He is not just being a bully that we can turn a blind eye to. He's liquid corrosive and like it or not, we're hooked up intravenously. How can this be happening in 2020? with so many advancements for human rights, natural resource management, cultural harms under review for Truth & Reconciliation - whatever is in place that is leading us toward sustainable living & peace. We have come along so far since the beginning of time and never in the course of that history have we ever been in a better position to focus on our inner-selves. To do the work required to bring peace and unity to the people, we must have a rubric of character traits as a guide & accountability framework.
If he wins... I don't want to spend any time in this rabbit hole BUT if he is not stopped - I fear that we are all done here on the path to Humanity. And for me (*Peace & *Unity) is worth fighting for. 45 has undone rights, protections & policies that will enable further destruction of the earth so the thought of more fracking & under river pipelines just makes me sick. Imagine what Mother Earth feels like with us IF all are up here doing nothing useful to change. I think of Greta Thunberg, "How Dare You" and it makes me sad. I turn 60 next year so if this is fascism on the rise, you can bet I'll be speaking up MORE about *Peace. And maybe that's the gift of this pandemic - "the great reset" as some are calling it. We COULD be recreating a better way to do everything but instead it feels we're in neutral with the engine on. Panicking. (And in defense, change is scary) We are patching the breach & clutching onto the shoreline, to try to hold onto an old broken system. The money spent on the US election alone could have given all Americans relief. The political scene & election seems completely designed to pit sides against each other. It seems insane to me when peace is what we all want - I assume.
This is not *Unity in any sense of the word even though it is a *virtue. My RARE blood was tainted by bad water when I was 6 years old. There's nothing I can do about that. I will not give blood to keep others safe. I don't feel deprived but on some level, I see the waste. Toxic culture is another story. I will not & do not have to tolerate any of that!