Without peace or know how to find it then we're left to spin with whatever chaos has been started. Without knowing it, we open ourselves to becoming a pawn to be used against the minds of others. When we begin pouring out our beautiful & caring hearts, our emotions are being played and drained so I am saying to all who don't know to be aware and to please remember that stress is connected to our central nervous systems, directly influences our immune systems, our moods, our health and the well being of us all. Every energy adds to the whole so don't feed the troll energies. How? Simply by not engaging. I'm not saying disconnect, I am saying detach from noise and find peace. Distract thyself.
Now that the bloody media light is finally shining a light on broadcasting I can't believe any of it and neither should you. Back in September the rumours began of "provocateurs coming into camp and we saw the e-troll numbers growing among us. It is implied they are pushing ideas, dropping hints, underpinning darkness & creating an atmosphere of ill intent. What this does is plants tiny seeds of doubt in our minds. Then begin the manipulating of truths, distracting attention and worst of all in my opinion, pretending to be allies. Everything gets turned upside down until we begin judging our friends and loved ones. Pitting people against each other is a well known tactic to divide camps from uniting.
The truth is that only the Creator will ever know the truth and we're not to judge. I think the only way through this is to not fully trust our own mind. We have to spend prayerful time getting to know our sacred heartspeak which has been here the whole time and is our partner in this life. Like many people here our Souls are also fighting to be freed from a lifetime of oppression.
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Stay Tuned ~ Shine ON! #synergyetc |