
Blog Archive

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The 9th Episode

The 9th Episode ~ Symphony of Science

 "~ In search of my Soul ~"

From very young, I held a fascinating connection to the stars, moon, sun, thunder storms, rainbows, magnets, gravity, stones & animals of all kinds.

My early years curiosity expanded to neurology, biology and physiology, quantum physics etc, while I was trying to figure out who I was.  I was 20 in 1980 when I came upon Anna Mitchell Hedges and one of the crystal skulls which catapulted me further into energy medicine, color and sound therapies and meditation and while none of this was "scientific" I knew to integrate these divine principles into my life. I devoured the great wisdom of philosophers like Plato, Socrates, Einstein and Aristotle ie: ~ in search for my Soul. In search for peace.

Now, as a healer and facilitator, I am in awe of the upswell of emerging scientific discoveries in quantum physics, neuroplasticity and the studies and interest in understanding the human soul. As a fellow seeker, I set an intention years ago, to cross paths with the right people and be part of what helps us to BE the best version of our Selves. I feel like I have suddenly arrived, here with you, on the edge of this new frontier. 

We are all transforming ~ moving through a time of amazing transformation.

Be well

A Bit About Me

My photo
(Re:Visioned on Nov 23, 2020) I AM in TRUSTed to the idea that the whisperings of my Soul have always been calling me to these times. That this present day and the here & now is what I was guided to. To TRUST the action: to 'call a circle' of others who are committed to helping make the world a better place NO MATTER WHAT SHAPE IT'S IN... it's go time! (Read my Birthday 2020 blog post to catch up) TODAY I BEGIN CALLING A CIRCLE and here is my intention - to gather people who: appreciate & benefit from healing stories as they navigate their own; can hear my self-care story & daily journey to help themselves stay on track with their own stuff; and can be witnessed in their story while encourage space for others to support the whole circle. I AM excited to see who's showing up and where it will take us. See my Blog Page to join the circle.