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Friday, February 3, 2017


 The View from Here

I am here at the lake staring at the beauty of my simple life, reflecting on my own personal UNITY. Through the lens of my experience and the wisdom of my soul I have observed unity inside & around me for over half a century. In the past 3 weeks, I have been blessed with enough 'free' time to truly pause. I am discerning & compartmentalizing the energetics of life & lessons and growing more fascinated with the subtle inner workings of how life experience metabolizes into thought and/or action. Even idleness is a proper action if it is done with purpose & meaning.

Whenever I require advice or guidance,  I first go to my Soul. I consult my A-Team as Linda Kavelin-Popov calls it (Angels, Ancestors & spirit Animals). I liken the process to retreating where I go deeply into reflection & reframing, like a good old fashioned "defrag".
According to Wikipedia means "In the maintenance of file systems, defragmentation is a process that reduces the amount of fragmentation. It does this by physically organizing the contents of the mass storage device used to store files into the smallest number of contiguous regions (fragments)." 

I take both mental (silent) and physical retreats as in the case of internal unity and it has been my process for over 30 years. I trust it as a critical step to help sort out what's really going on?, what is in my heart & head. An assessment and reviewing of an experience to discern what is real process became an integral part of how I AM. And more importantly, I sort out fact from assumption and what is within my control? With a clearer understanding, I take what I know about my reality and to enter a sacred state of reverence. Recently someone invited me to "move on" with something. In their idealistic hope for unity, they do not yet know the way grace brings teachable moments to me. This is an experiential strategy that has a power to defrag: tap, sort & reframe order.

Even before I knew of it, I heard the voice of my Soul. At 6 I was given a great gift. I was taught that my uniqueness was worthy of protecting. By 19, I was convinced that the unity humanity craved was within the soul. I knew that each of us must find our own and I was consciously testing the laws of attraction in the 80s, although there was no name for it then and Unity of body, mind & spirit has been my gift and I have manifested an amazing life because of it. My internal partner is also my best friend. We have together mindfully created this life. I have an amazing family, in-laws too, my community is made up of people who bring out the best in me, I am doing what I love & loving what I do, I am finding my tribe & open to the future that unity brings. Everyone must find it within our self.
Who I am is who "we" are. Are you united? Are you divided?

Unity can be courageous work. It might require sacrificing one thing for something better. In our current climate, I am finding it means being in a constant cycle of teachable moments where sometimes I am the one smoothing the waters & sometimes I'm pushing through the roaring storm or painfully detaching from someone or something toxic. 
Sometimes Unity means you are walking alone in the world. 
 ~ Barbara

A Bit About Me

My photo
(Re:Visioned on Nov 23, 2020) I AM in TRUSTed to the idea that the whisperings of my Soul have always been calling me to these times. That this present day and the here & now is what I was guided to. To TRUST the action: to 'call a circle' of others who are committed to helping make the world a better place NO MATTER WHAT SHAPE IT'S IN... it's go time! (Read my Birthday 2020 blog post to catch up) TODAY I BEGIN CALLING A CIRCLE and here is my intention - to gather people who: appreciate & benefit from healing stories as they navigate their own; can hear my self-care story & daily journey to help themselves stay on track with their own stuff; and can be witnessed in their story while encourage space for others to support the whole circle. I AM excited to see who's showing up and where it will take us. See my Blog Page to join the circle.